The Constitutional Court of Romania has unanimously rejected Călin Georgescu’s appeal against the invalidation of his presidential candidacy. This definitive decision means that Georgescu’s name will not appear on the ballot for the May 4 election.
Deja isi fac si tatuaje cu el
Acum cu anulare primului tur,ce șanse sunt să fie exclus și Simion și să se reia alegerile parlamentare?
Planul clasificat al României in caz de conflict armat cu Rusia
Ce faci in cazul in care luni constati ca nu a iesit cum sperai ?
De ce nu exista sustinatori CG pe Roddit?
Danemarca, pamant Romanesc?
Analiză psihologică mesaje susținere Georgescu
Realitatea tv
Călin Georgescu e in cădere liberă pe Polymarket.
Ce putem face pentru a scoate România TV și Realitatea din emisie?
Oh well…
Gata, opriti numaratoarea!
AskHistorians has 2 million subscribers! To celebrate, we will remove the first 2 million comments in this thread.
Claim your I was here ticket 🎫
Quick response
Urf Aatrox is weak lol
After losing game every single time,even if I got ahead,a random Autofill showed me the way,Last game played is as Support Aatrox,with doran shield because support items are for cowards.From now on,support is the way.In botlane,you can actually do damage.Fuck top
Just a normal Aatrox URF game
Join the gang
Darius and Morde mains unite!
Master Yi Demographics Survey
*Laughs in sustain*
Im sorry about that, but i want to climb (i hate funneling too)
Mister yi