How is a material body aware of immaterial consciousness?
I don't know what thoughts I can trust anymore
I don't know whether my thoughts are true or whether they're protecting me from pain anymore
Apocalyptic dreams, have y'all been getting them too?
Friend keeps (publicly) kicking me down, do I confront her or just cut my losses?
I'm chasing girls for the wrong reasons and I can't stop
What is something you can do to feel like you did something meaningful today?
Should I ask her out not knowing if she's single yet?
Feeling conflicted on whether I should date girls I'm not fully attracted to
My gut feeling is always signaling hopelesness
Always feel like my sexual desire is unwanted
Why does my life feel empty?
I tie too much of my self worth to the attention I get from girls, how do I stop?
How do you "unfriendzone" someone?
Intimidated by the difference in sexual experience
When is kissing allowed again after herpes infection?
WIBTA for distancing myself from her without explanation?
How can I make guy friends?
How do I internalize that people will love/like me regardless of my flaws
Anxiety about losing feelings for her
Can you use xylometazoline longer than 7 days if you only use it once a day?
Constant staring and initiating small touches are signs of attraction right?
I blocked my old friend that I hadn't talked to in 3 years after 2 days.