H: Fireman responders helmet W: 350 leaders
What do you notice sells quickly and for a good price at player vendors?
H:G pig W: x4 reflective,x4 aegis,x3 cavaliers,x2 fire proof,x1 ** strength,x3 rejuvenator's.
H: leaders w: res set or red asy offers
H: Glowing Masks W: Someone to do the button glitch and get me to rank 100
[PS4] H: 50 Reflective Mods W: Masks, Apparel or Leader offers (no mods please)
Is the campers lunchbox worth anything? Heard some friends talking about it but wondering if there is some sort of price check on it
H: can craft most mods, some g masks, some misc, w: 1x furious, 1x vital, 1x lucky, 5x powered, 5x limit breaking
H: RF set W: 800L
H: 2xFCJS, g uni, g alien, GSB, GBD W: Mask or apparel offers
H: 250 leaders + winterman W: Grobot pls
H:lc /red dress /tlc / responder set / growing abe /growing big foot / W:leaders offer
W: 5 Limit Breaker and Thru Hiker mod boxes, H: Caps, Flux, Brahmin/Deathclaw masks. or comment what you want
Waiting for Bethesda to add more campfire tales misc to the map..
H: Raid Mod/Weapon Bundle W: 280 Leaders for full bundle
[Ps4] H: (400) leaders rare apparel and other items W: mods listed below
H: Gbigfoot, guni, gmino, grobot W: reflective mods
H: 7k caps W: quad legendary mod
H: Loon, Fiend and Raven (lunchboxes) W: Several Hours of EN06 Robot Farm
H: GSB W: Complete Glowing Bobblehead collection for display
Just wanted to say people asking for leaders to farm a robot for free is outright greedy lol help eachother out it’s literally free rewards
H: 2 Res helms, 1 Res uni, Tfj, max caps W: Apparel, Leaders, Plans
H: 600 leaders w: glowing mask offers
H: leather coat w: offers
H: Red Asylum Uniform W: 5x Ranger's mod