Was thinking of visiting the Catholic Church my mom and I went to when I was a kid and saw in its website that it has a page with resources for undocumented immigrants!
Trad Catholic Baby Boy Name Ideas…
Catholic in the North
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What is the worst heresy in your country?
If Epic characters had Modern Jobs (pt5 Poseidon)
Catholic friendly-ish podcast recommendations?
Strangest/most confusing church teachings
Vibe Check -Raising Canes
The political make-up of the voting members of the College of Cardinals
Low Effort Post
I'm Catholic and I'm bisexual
Found Kitten
Hypothetical for abortion debate
[Politics Monday] Bishop Barron to Celebrate Mass for Catholic Members of Congress - Rep. Riley M. Moore
Lunch Etiquette Rules?
Be not afraid...
Would you attend Mass even if you don’t understand the language?
Now that Epic the musical has been completed, there’s one thing I want say.
[Nudity in films] Is it a sin to watch movies like A Serbian Film? How does the Church view explicit nudity in films?
Rubbed the Wrong Way
Hallowmere Series by Tiffany Trant
What is your favorite Catholic youtuber?
[NOT A RANT] Why is it that I hear "pregnant people" and "birthing person", but I never hear "inseminating person" or the like?