How do you know when to hold on to a trade?
Any tips on overnight remote work?
What are your day trading rules?
I just got the baby brezza and I’ve been giving baby consistent warm milk since yesterday. He seems less fussy, sleeping longer too.
If the baby is fed, changed, burped, not cold, not hot, in a safe environment but they are fussing but not crying. Do you pick them up?
What baby carrier would you recommend to get for the summer. My baby is one month and I want something that wouldn’t be too warm
Which baby carrier do you recommend in the summer?
What are some things you wish you knew or prepared for before having a baby?
I am trying to go back to work after having a baby. What’s a valid reason to put on application for leaving my previous job?
Parents! What do you enjoy the most about parenting?
What do you do when it’s clear you had a baby with the wrong person?
What do you do to kill time on your phone that isn’t scrolling social media?
How can I make $120 a day scalping guaranteed
M32,F28. My partner expects me to pour from an empty cup. He doesn’t believe emotional support should be equal. Partners who work stressful jobs, do you still have time for family? Or you feel providing is enough
Is it realistic to sleep through the night with an infant?
I am singing 'Danke Schoen by Wayne Newton' to a 1 month old lying between my legs on the bed in the wee hours of the morning. How do you keep going and stay positive? How does the permanence of this situation not overwhelm you?
Do you feel obligated to stay with the man you had a baby with? M34, F28
Do you feel obligated to stay with the man you had a baby with?
Is your newborn loud too or just mine?
The trench chat! I find that 4-8am is the worst time in the trenches. I can barely stay awake. Conversation keeps me going.
I’m stuck between nap when baby naps or just stay awake straight through with coffee, movies and so on.
It’s 4:00am, we’re on our fifth wake up. Teething is hell.
Newborn trenches! Why is 4-8 am the hardest?
Anyone else have no idea the clocks were changing tonight because your only human interaction is with a newborn?
What thing about parenting overstimulates you most?