Trains are awesome, change my mind
Bottled Water Is Dangerous?
High level IQ meme right here /j
non-ai version
What are some disasters, natural or man made, from your country’s history?
How are European schools handling kids with phones?
Her math wasn’t mathing 🤔
The only safe way to eat pasta
To say he’s petty is an understatement
I dont have many musical memes 😔
Looking to buy some blue phazon
"OCD can be a superpower, you can see a bigger picture"
Who’s been your role model since your childhood?
I don’t have a joke.
Contamination/Health OCD Final Boss
This happened to me while playing Bioshock 2 (please excuse my laughter)
did we chose to kill andrew ryan?
That's. Not. How. Autism. Works.
Nikson has revealed 3 more new gameplay screenshots for the joy of creation.
The elementary school Trauma :(
The f*cking car
Favorite musical overture?
What’s a cool thing you recently learned?
What are some weird rules your school(s) had for students?