Where are some good fishing spots?
What's Something That'll Be Useless A Decade From Now?
What did lockdown teach you?
What's a new word you learned of?
How do you differentiate toxic parents from non-toxic parents?
If you were a breed of dog, what would you be?
If you had the option to see one thing no other human had ever seen, and you could choose it, what would it be?
What would you bring back from the dead?
What's your comfort food?
What's something you're unusually good at?
When's the last time you cried?
What are some superpowers that sound great, but would actually be crappy?
People with good memories, what's a key to remembering more?
What's a quirk about your city that makes it unique?
If you could give advice to your younger self, what would you tell them?
If you could hear your final words right now, what do you think you would do?
What's something you could do to impress someone with only $30?
What's a key to sounding fancier?
What's something that's never thought about until it's gone?
What is something that's only good in the middle/average range?
What was the first memory you ever had?
Bilingual users of Reddit, what are some benefits of knowing more than one language?
That’s…not what that means, Disney 💀
Anyone else getting an unusually long list when right clicking?
Why does it say adult