Just got some pothos! Any tips? (For my aquaruim obviously)
Help me choose the position of my wood
Is my lotl alright?
Here's the video of my motor not working
20 or 40ppm?
plants to put into an axolotl tank??
Where do yall get your plants?
This is really starting to get annoying
Best hull to go with a IS-7?
Help with power
Does this look like 20 or 40 ppm nitrates?
6-30 Beast yeast (Hard) build/guide
How did you discover this game?
Yall think they're ever gonna bring the sonic collab back? Like a part 2?
Axolotl tank mate?
Help me decide!
Why does he sometimes like to lay down on his calcium powder 😂
I'm falling apart. Gamer in need.
This was mine.... i was depreased (2nd is cleaned today)
Who was "the weird kid" at your school and what did they do?
Why won't these levels go down?
New to tubbing
Girls you do not understand the suffering
What’s the craziest thing that happened at your school?