Utah Hockey Club filed trademark extension for Mammoth
Guys, what's your experience with crying in front of your partner?
what’s the worst thing your ex did?
Not speaking to my bestfriend of 10 years because she said she’s “icked” by me
Say you get rich one day but can’t tell anyone. What signs would there be?
What’s something about being a man that women will never understand?
Anyone originally from California and relocated to KC?
How many of you can say that you have NOT been hit or slapped by a woman?
This team brings me pain
How long would you be willing to wait for sex?
Advice on becoming less emotionally invested?
4 Nations Faceoff is the best thing the NHL has done in a long time
Just starting the Sopranos
Do you enjoy going down on women?
Cody Rhodes’ 1-Year Anniversary as WWE Champion – Did He Live Up to the Hype?
Bron Breakkers name sucks
What is your “I did not care for The Godfather” WWE take?
Men who have been dumped, what was the reason, why?
Thunder fans who are not from Oklahoma. What brought you to support OKC Thunder? What kept you here?
Would you date a girl who doesn’t want to ever drink alcohol?
Can I still get a job as a nurse after working as a stripper?
What is the worst ending to a match you've seen?
Where do you see yourself in 60 years?
What is song to play at funeral that will make everyone laugh.