Opinions on daycare?
what's the most psychologically disturbing film you've ever watched?
Would you want to be buried with your dog?
Vets & Vet Techs - How Often Do You See Emotional Meltdowns?
Can anyone with endometriosis explain your experience?
Is it time to say goodbye?
To those who stopped nicotine, does the craving ever stop?
Bf says I'm childish for talking to my dog
Today I learned….
Owning a Pomeranian: Not for the faint of heart (featuring: Willow)
How old were you when you got your drivers license? Do you have kids that are delaying getting theirs?
How To Help Our Dog Say Goodbye
Can dogs smell death?
What do you feed your Poms?
Should I go with my dog to be euthanized?
Am I a bad pet mom for not treating my dogs cancer?
Older people: what part in life do you look back at most fondly?
What was your family’s version of the “birds and bees” talk?
When did it stop being okay for young adults to date teenagers?
Is This Terrible of Me?
Daylight saving time
5 month old Pomeranian broke his leg & just got his cast off…
What do you miss the most about pre-Covid life?
My Lazy Coworkers
Were you allowed to swear as a kid?