All factions mentioned on the website, both new and old
The Frostmoon Scions of Hiisi Island pray to the moonlight in their hearts, sacred and unsullied.
I would like to have some of what hoyo are inhaling when designed this guy
Ya'll her laugh in JP is hella adorable
It's the 2nd Half Curse
Why is everything so toxic?
Happy Birthday, Sigewinne!
Gacha “f2p friendliness”
Really confused beginner needs help
I lost Varesa's 50/50 and in the last banner I lost Wesley to Mona also in the 50/50
I really enjoy the 'capture the flag' mode in the new event.
Hoyo Please, add a Lumine artwork for us who have Lumine as our MC, Is this simple thing really hard for a multimillion Doller game company?
(New player) Hello any suggestion which character should I level?
stuck doing chenyu’s blessing even though i can’t complete it due to level being low
Genshin's environmental design team is phenomenal
Global passive, rewards? I just care about THIS!!! <333
Artefact farming
Venting about almost everything
Did you hope for more characters to get buffed?
Suggestion on which language to switch over to
This whole VA drama can be summed up in one phrase: "It is better to remain silent and be thought an idiot than to speak out even once and remove all doubt."
Emilie: Just Doin Nothing
Varesa has thigh physics 😭
actively going insane.
One from Transmuter and other from Strong Box right after...what a waste of Elixr.