Bruh what’d the kids do 💀
Is there a way to make an email I haven't yet sent shown as sent earlier?
For shards of bone like this, is it even really possible to identify what animal it came from?
Why are some guys assholes?
Top Male Singers Ranked by Their Lyrics and Singing
Seriously pewds, you've been giving me anxiety with these titles
It seems like more guys are pro life now vs a few years ago, are you? If so why?
Lmao isn’t he trying to recruit little kids to join this thing
What do you talk about on a first date?
Whatever happened to the Kanye we know and loved?
Name the movie that gave you this reaction
Chat, is this real? (Ripley’s Believe It or Not, 01/29/1996)
What’s the first movie you think of when you see Steve Buscemi?
Trump says he will label violence on Tesla dealerships as domestic terrorism
How the shadow of the top of our dog kennel has slowed the snow melt in its shape
Amazon recommends me to buy a spoon to go with a new butane torch.
What are the chances that Bianca divorces Kanye within the next 2 years?
Not only will this quickly prove to be untrue like it already is, but this would be an off-the-charts moronic business strategy
The new photos app update is garbage