Help with Balance Druid
Do evokers specialise in specific flights ?
Novels featuring Dragonborn?
What features would you like implemented for your RP immersion?
Druids: gameplay versus lore
Is prejudice towards certain races in Warcraft justifiable?
Shaman abilities and older lore
How does Druidic magic work?
A police officer playing duck duck goose with children in New York, 1970.
Do you romance according to your sexuality?
Weird World we’re living in
Sylvaneth Recommendation
Hard to swallow for Tolkien / Lord of the Rings fans
Does the Weave include divine, nature, and pact magic?
Gruumsh disapproves
AoS Headcanons: Part 2
Role-play or surviving honour mode, what do you choose?
Oklahoma City Police Slam 70-Year-Old Man to the Ground, Breaking His Skull.
Can we go back and play through older expanions?
Do druids have to worship Silvanus to use their magic? Can they worship evil gods and still be druids?
A Campaign Set in Zakhara
What books are a must?
Revange of the Gods/Concequences of betraying one
Without seeing the driver, what sort of person are they?
Pulled up behind a true American hero
Cops psychologically torture man to falsely confess he killed his father, WHO WAS STILL ALIVE, even threatening to euthanize his dog
Cops psychologically torture man to falsely confess he killed his father even threatening to euthanize his dog