Isaiah when they're 30 seconds into the story and he hasn't paused to glaze it yet
Reason nr. 4711 why I don't play on Death March
Ruin Bomb? Having nukes make me more diplomatically reputable?
Mike Brooks is sincerely a disservice to the Drukhari.
Sopranos Reference in BG3
Geralt has some of the funniest lines.
not sure if hot take, but i prefer gfl1 kalina design
Is there anyway to save Orpheus, and not nuke Gale?
Sam Hyde
Reading Abnett books
You suddenly woke up as the emperor of mankind during the day of his birth, you have full knowledge of everything that has and will happen up until the current setting, what would you have done differently to ensure a better outcome?
Other games that consistantly nail sidequests.
I hate Marazhai
The Bloody Baron questline
Welcome to Dvarovar
Baldur's Village, BG3 expansion for Stardew Valley, is out!
What is she listening to look like she is in heaven?
from what I've read, this game has a problem with the Rogue Trader inevitably being outclassed by most companions unless you use a minmaxed build. is this true? is there anything i can do about it without flat out lowering the difficulty?
I tried turning Myrkul into gold
POV your a Water Caste speaking low gothic with a fragile ribcage
Some of the best moments in Rogue Trader is when you are able to just completely off someone out of boredom
Finally Starting The Witcher 3! Any Tips?
Its fine i have a warrant of trade signed by The Big E himself
Tell me
Kibellah, come on, I pressed ONE button. Give me a break.
Blame Wendigoon, I now want OneyPlays In CreepCast.