Is he called Eggman or robotnik?
Favorite Kamen Rider Quote?
Do It
YOU. PONYTOWN FANS. What's your reasoning for liking the game?
My older brother and my sister got me this for some reason, lol
If you were to get a cutie mark, what would it be and why?
Pause your scrolling! Fluttershy has a message!
What are some incorrect quotes by this guy?
Which of the Mane Six is your favorite and why?
Magali pilantra
In your view, what are the least and most hopeless scenarios in Ito's work?
give me your Coldest JoJo takes
Tell me your favorite junji ito paranormal creature, event or other things
Descreva um personagem de Turma da Monica muito resumidamente
O Mônico (Versão Remasterizada) (retirado do Dailymotion pelo canal lucasdb - oficial) Sem a parte NSFW
Kirie Goshima skin I made on Roblox, give a note from 1/10
What's the name of this pony
New spot for UltraKill fandom on PT!
Yu-Gi-Oh! Fandom!