Social Security close to 'total system collapse': Ex-head
Teamsters Union, which did not endorse Biden, aghast that Trump would nominate a union-busting lawyer to the National Labor Relations Board, which regulates union activity
Kristi Noem wore a $60,000 Rolex to film a promo inside notoriously brutal El Salvadorian prison
Am I crazy or is Reddit a circlejerk of the resist lib crowd?
I don’t understand how people have MONEY
"Should the Defense Secretary.." Marjorie Taylor Greene: "Wait what country are you from?" "From the UK" "OK we don't give a crap about your opinion and your reporting. Why don't you go back to your country.—CAN WE GET THIS RACIST OUT ALREADY
"Should the Defense Secretary.." Marjorie Taylor Greene: "Wait what country are you from?" "From the UK" "OK we don't give a crap about your opinion and your reporting. Why don't you go back to your country. We have a major migrant problem. You should care about your own borders"
How does The Pitt hold up in terms of medical accuracy and realism in an ER?
50% of parents financially support adult children
Are the results accurate? Who knows
I'm a Christian. Don’t force educators to teach the Bible. | Opinion
The absence of evidence for X isn't evidence that X doesn't exist. In other words: We shouldn't pretend like there's a certainty that God doesn't exist.
America Is Watching the Rise of a Dual State
Checking in on the newest Trumpers in Michigan
It's true, I was the rifle
Teacher I know who voted Trump and is shocked she’s feeling consequences….
Trump announces the Small Business Administration will handle student loans
Cutting the Department of Education Is Theater, Not a Plan
Am I in the wrong for thinking this way?
A mass shooting from the perspective of the blood bank
This might be where the battle is won or lost
Trump Won Over Many Arab Americans in November. Now, Has He Lost Them?
Heck of a return on your investment. Good job, boys!
90-year-old veteran wrongly declared dead struggles to restore Social Security benefits
Anyone see that show Adolescence on Netflix?
Lawmaker wants to rename I-35 in Austin, Texas after President Trump