Which animated TV series would have been better if it wasn't targeted at kids?
Which animated movies and TV series would have been better if it wasn't targeted at kids?
Which Star Wars villains with redeeming qualities should've become pure evil or irredeemable?
Which Characters should have their own arc?
Which Characters should have their own arc
Hey guys! I was watching Family Guy and found something. I circled it so you can see....
Invincible vs Conquest: Comic or Tv Show
Which Star Wars characters should've never gotten nerfed?
[Cover] What if Kevin Conroy voiced The Batman Who Laughs?
[Cover] What if Kevin Conroy voices The Batman Who Laughs?
Peter Beats up Kyle Vocoded to The Man Behind The Slaughter
DEATH NOTE - The a-Kira STORY Fan Animation (Eng dub)
Should Ernie The Giant Chicken ever deserve a win?
Which Celebrities should've casted into Family Guy (TV series)?
Besides Peter & The Chicken, What would've been the greatest "vs. battles" in Family Guy? If it were to happen?
How you would you rewrite Albert Wesker's Power & Abilities?
What if Grievous was Force Sensitive?