The woes of Brelish veterans: recruitment speech of the Swords of Liberty
[Discord] A trial run of 2024/2025 5e in Eberron
A 1 on 1 idea. Necromancer adventure
Fleshing out the concept of a druidic crime syndicate in a big city
G14 (2022) abruptly shutting down when playing relatively light games
What city in Eberron would you place a druidic crime syndicate in?
[WP] There it is: the first object that a human had ever used to kill another human. It is nothing more than a simple rock, of course. You have read myriads of accounts of this artifact in musty old books in the most abstruse of libraries. As you approach it, someone or something steps beside you.
Battle royale between several action heroes (plus one villain): John Wick, Jason Bourne, Ethan Hunt, James Bond (Daniel Craig), Robert McCall, a Jason Statham composite, Clint Barton (MCU), the Punisher (MCU), and Bullseye (MCU).
The opening I wrote for an Eberron campaign, whose prologue involves the PCs surviving the Mourning
Starfinder 2e classes in PF2:Who's tried it? How'd it go?
[Online][5.5e][PbP]A trial run of 2024/2025 5e in Eberron
[WP] You ask the necromancer why they do not just animate golems as minions instead. You expect to hear something like "Too hard," "Too expensive," or "Magic does not work that way." Instead, the necromancer replies: "Have you ever heard the stories of the Dollmakers? One happened just weeks ago."
I LOVE subsystems/victory points
Does anyone here have experience with the rules for mental stress in the 2024 Dungeon Master's Guide?
Six homebrew monsters for D&D 4e, half of which have already been playtested, and two-thirds of which are inspired by Genshin Impact and Honkai: Star Rail
House rule - Marking?
“Why don’t the Gods just fix it?”
What is the precise mechanical procedure for resolving enemies trying to ambush PCs under the 2024 rules?
Is "proprioception" actually a precise sense, if "Pathfinder's rules assume that a given creature has vision as its only precise sense and hearing as its only imprecise sense"?