Fara, Moongbada paglu
System updated guys
I used wrong(technically) signature on my first job offer letter. Did I messed up ?
Art on wheels - Spotted this in the wild.
Well, it happened to me.
Just got done with boards and left my hostel. What was your farewell like?
How to bypass this its so annoying ts pmo 💔🥀
Irctc travel agent
My friend got scammed
Can you gues what this is? Tell tell
I feel like it's right there I just don't get it
Missing Boy
My 13th reason
Just bought a Ferrari
Nitin Gadkari 's recent statement regarding toll tax
To state a fact on Reddit.
And now the Wombat kidnapper is blaming the Government…
Never shy away from flaunting your achievements
I will give away game(s) worth 1000₹ to two students
Anyone remembers these books
LED TV wale kaha jane ye wala maza
Built my first ever gaming PC.
Toughts on reflective rims?
Honesty at it's peak