Matchmaking is killing the game
Who are you gonna ban the most when Bans will come ?
Optimal controller settings
What are some dps heroes that are "easy" to learn and climb with?
Me: Matchmaking is bad ! (Also me the next match)
Which project DIVA game should I start with
*video contain strong language* solo ulting me didn't pay off
HORRIBLE CSS delay on PS5 after season 15 update.
I'm a lvl 5 endorsement and a Doomfist main. Make your questions
Did you reach level 200?
am i the only one who actually likes this skin??? i’m rlly excited for her!
for the people who’s favourite character in overwatch as a whole is, why?
Just got this bad boy and it is sealed. Should I just hold onto it tightly and not open it ? I am actually pretty content about the game and would like to play it.
What about this game frustrates you the most? Be honest. Let it out.
Is my cat legit?
To the people who play zero build: Would you play build mode if it was not sweaty and had people building simple things like just ramps or walls?
Can't name my preset?
Katana's are the worst!!!
(WIP) Working on a garage kit
Animations 1 year in, Comparison with older Harmonix games.
possibly my best game i've had since i started playing in 2017
If hero bans come, who are you banning?
CHECHC04 maintenance advice
Really specific PS5 connection issue
What’s the highest rank you’ve gotten, I’ll start