Guys, why isn't my nether portal working? (Game is Minecraft btw, and its night)
Found this L in my minecraft world
Stev aet cow
PhoenixSC 10 Years Anniversary Poster
The player locator bar isn't symmetrical..
reposting this cuz no one replied lmao
if i make it so stone generates in a super flat world can ores, caves or underground structures generate?
The new trend has begun
Fav Minceraft subreddit?
Fav overused meme?
We got the best memes here
What real skin is your favorite?
10 Years Anniversary (Poster)
Fav PhoenixSC skin?
Mojang must fix the UI
Worst thing Mojang has added in a while.
Why was there not much celebration for the 10 year Anniversary?
What will happen?
Who is behind the PhoenixChan account?
Suggestion to fix the Player Locator Bar
Fav Alex Skin?
Guys, this is a science experiment!
I had to make this
Fav Steve skin?
I'm definitely missing a ton of memes
why is this triggering me. why is polished diorite like this