Famous Turkish stereotypical names that have entirely its own meaning just like Karen, Chad etc. in American English
Are there any American (or Anglo-American) marxist/socialist movie filmed in/takes place in/is on any of the Red Scare periods?
I'm looking for that one live recording of John Hughes where a drunk guy screams during the intro and right before the drop Efrim says: "something, something SHUT UP!" and the guy starting screaming to the melody
Request for the RYM top 500 separated by commas?
some albums that I listened to and enjoyed lately
Listening to this album is the musical equivalent of witnessing a biblically-accurate angel
actual 10/10s
My Optimal Top 17 Albums
Making an alt world, what should purple be?
Flag of Colombia but it went to Turkey for vacation
Global Happiness Level Map 2024
I am a Christian conservative and GYBE is my favorite band
Say a lyric from an album and I’ll guess the name
Drake the type of goofenshmirtz to walk down the street and realise that everyone, including animals, has a couple and feel lonely
Yemek yerken öldürülen Fransız askeri. 2. Sabot ormanı savaşı. Tarih 27 Ekim 1915
[Flash] [Early 2010's] Japanese puzzle game with really cool background city images
I love painting the sun. feedback and critique welcome
What to get a 10 year old who's interested in architecture
Guess my age, gender and sexuality based off of only my music taste
Rockmüzik en sevdiği soloları sıralıyor.Yorumlara en sevdiğiniz soloları yazın, eğer zaten yazılmışsa o soloya up atın.(kurallar yorumlarda olucak)
r/rockmuzik efsane gruplarin en sevdikleri parcalarini seçiyor part 1. Dün Deep Purple için Soldier of Fortune seçildi, şimdi sırada King Crimson!
(27M)-What do you think of my taste? Who should I listen to?
my second attempt at making a topster
(14M) do I have a basic music taste?