My Amazon TV now unmutes itself during Prime Video commercial breaks
Just because your filament is new, doesn’t mean it’s dry.
abandoned boatyard
Bambu Beta Firmware Released (
I thought I creeper proofed this fishing dock!
How do you guys feel about this? I usually boost the least famous models because I know the famous ones are already doing well.
Feature idea: Wait to finish current layer when printing
Nah this isn’t an enchanted book. It’s a cursed book.
Joke review consequences
Why is my Toolhead going back up?
Glow in the dark filament color concern
I thought PETG was supposed to be more durable?
How do I fix this?
What is going on here?
Holy crap was the cylinder guy telling the truth?
Last print of 2024
Elegoo wants to be in your AMS.
New vs old lubricant grease packaging
Darn it. My love hate relationship with the game
I hate this game
First layer issues
Best red filament that is actually red?
Trial chambers advice?