Chimney demolition in Eisenberg
Food Lover
Pull apart rugs I've made
Both men and women prefer younger partners, study finds. Even though women tend to say they prefer older men they scored younger men as more desirable, research shows.
Like What? 😂
Is there a place to discuss politics without bullying and name calling back and forth?
Specific but: am I a hypocrite or a bad person if I draw my farmer x npc art for stardew valley if I’m against oc/self insert shipping?
Why don't men seem to have dating icks the way women do?
Guys, Do you prefer a girl to workout or not? (Already a healthy weight)
Is it weird to go to a museum alone?
Only men will understand
What is a state/condition people are generally dismissive of, until it happens to them?
why are nipples erogenous zones when their original purpose isn't sexual at all?
Anon has a female friend
Why do people have to have their kids be biologically theirs?
Did ancient humans value consensual sex? Did they have any moral values?
If you committed a crime can you directly tell your lawyer the truth that you did and have them still represent you?
I'm a boy... and I don't get it
Is men approaching women to form a romantic relationship a modern human invention?
A Squidward Cake I Ordered For My Sister
Why are men more prone to have foot fetishes and women are more prone to have hand fetishes?
Why do so much cultures care about women preserving their virginities into marriage and not men?
Elon’s breeding fetish has reached a new level
Do speakers of languages which have a gender for everything have like a massive database in their head of the gender of every object, or even they mess it up sometimes?