What were the subtle signs the relationship was coming to an end?
What’s something your ex did that you didn’t realize was a red flag until after the relationship ended?
What was the last msg you sent ur ex
Why does it seem like he doesn't even care?
I just can't resist you.
i regret dating a famous guy
He has a girlfriend, what should I do?
Why have I stopped caring so fast?
My first night sleeping alone without my ex
Well, my ex moved out
Why did y'all break up?
Is it true that men process a relationship break up later?
What does it mean if a man dumps a woman to figure himself out?
I can't stop crying
My ex is moving out tomorrow
Something finally made me move on!
It is what it is
Old poem. No title.
I'm done
This breakup feels like I’m grieving a death
I should've stuck it out
What should I do?
I know I fucked up