It is very clear how much it has changed in the last year
Best Discontinued Menu Item?
brooke’s new lego art
She is getting bad press so posts a baby pic
Shanann wasn't holding onto CW; CW was holding onto her
Where are your sitting
Happy 6 months to Sept 20th babies!
Savanna Greywind
Ran here
How long did you stay in the hospital after delivering, and via which method?
Villa tour
No vomiting
Buying baby clothes? Not going to the states for a while? Is this related……
“buying baby clothes for years”
When will I stop leaking?!
Anyone not tracking their baby?
So, Hailey went to Paris for Fashion Week and Justin is in LA. I wonder who Jack is with?
So much for not posting her baby
Brookes busy day is packing for a trip
Dieter update from Sandie
Really sad to see Watts family portrait misused on postsecret
I’m convinced he hates her lol
"It's overwhelming lol 🤪"
Favorite Disney Channel female protagonist?