Stone of the Tortoise | XP Freezing — YAY or NAY?
Racial attributes
Any Wood Elf players out there? I don't see many due to the high count of Dunmers, Nords, and Altmers.
Does being under-leveled hinder main quest progress?
How many hours to complete the storyline, sans grinding?
What is your favorite class and why?
Whats you favorite zones in the game?
Warden DPS viability?
Why do they call it the luck of the Irish?
Why do people back into parking spaces?
How can I boost run speed out in the landscape?
Does medium armor get cool?
Why would some bosses get angry at their employee/s for being 1 minute late to work?
What Items Do You Take In?
Will Ranked be HC or only Core?
What Books did You Start or Finish Reading this Week?: March 10, 2025
Which class has the most 'realistic' probability of pulling off what our character does while staying true to lore?
Good class to 'start' off with?
Dear phone snatchers....
Why haven’t the Epstein files been released yet? Who are they protecting?
RK or LM
Not LOTRO but LOTR... I think it's super cool and wanna share.
Unpopular opinion maybe?
Do you keep 'duplicate' books? (e.g. the same book but different editions)
I'm tired of big airlines putting me in the front of the plane every time I fly