Is Xtreme Xmen (2001) Canon to 616, or is it its own thing? And is it any good? No spoilers!
Honestly... pretty fun.
Did.... Did skin just...?
Its official... I have now read from the 60s-2000. Any questions?
Not always an uber fan of late 90s art but THIS is cool!
Okay... I know this is in 2000 but was Claremont really that spiteful about getting fired??
Almost to New Xmen! Next era of Xmen!
What's your favourite obscure Cyclops outfit?
No need to fix... she's perfect
THAT is one hell of a retcon- was not ready for that!
Every xman under the sun, jesus she gets around
Steak n Shake
Xmem Unlimited 19: ... So THATS how she comes back. Creative!
This was a jarring art change- Flip the page and BOOM! New art style (Uncanny Xmen 352)
Best Marvel group?
Next chapter of Xmen! Quick non spoiler reviews, what do yall think? Am I in for hype or not?
Cable #45 ... Turn the page and met with a new very fun artstyle. I like it!
Which is the best nightcrawler fit
Entry Jobs Says Hiring, but not Hiring?
A perfectly sane reaction to peeling your skin off
I saw this cover... did not expect this cruddy style-
Is there a counter for how many times the X-Jet gets destroyed?
Okay thats a cool reference 😂
Just traveling in town- Whats the best local lunch locations?