Twenty one pilots + yeat?
Is my current top 10 valid? (its so hard to make a pure top 10 😭)
Anyone know the meaning of these locations
Look what i just found at my school
I need help picking a song...
about being a ‘’fake fan’’ and things like that ..
Can I ask yall not to be mean? I'd still like honesty, but don't be mean about it lol
Just got my merch, i love it
Do you guys wanna see something cool
First TØP song you ever heard? And most recent listen?
let my boyfriend nickname some pokemon
I noticed something in the neon gravestone in nico and the niners.
favorite music video?
Can anyone find the flannel hes wearing in the hype music video?
I cant help but notice that everyone, i mean EVERYONE is getting a “push on through” oldies station tattoo 😭 (its sweet though)
Armored mewtwo. 706037634547
ZAMAZENTA 2 LOCAL 055416591740
MEGA ALTARIA 706037634547
MEGA ALTARIA TWO LOCAL+PARTY POWER 706037634547, 055416591740
ZACIAN 706037634547
DIALGA 706037634547