Smoochie smoochie (@Senzo6700)
DARK SKIN DAISY! 🗣️🔥 (Art by @Funnyhoohooman)
PHY Goku EZA details
A Japanese player has beaten the new Festival Battle with no 10th anni units!
AGL Kid Goku JP banner
EZA Phy Kid Goku APT & Def, 100% & 55%
Even if you're skipping Saiyam Day, this intro is absolutely beautiful. thank you Akira Toriyama.
Lore accurate Vegeta
Easy peasy
Saiyan day producer letter
on a scale from 99 to 100 how high do yall think im excited for the new kid goku celebration
New goku’s unit super attack requires a bulma but the banner unit is Chi Chi😭
🥸 (@pra_11__)
Thank Kami she didn't participate in the TOP😮💨
Reminder: Strongest Man in the world is White-Beard, not Roger or Garp
I have the long hair, still yet to aquire the sword🤔
Ship Happens (@DIDI_en_ilu)
BHFF Movie Edition 4 & 5 Stats (Global translation)
Marketing Done Wrong
Drake the type
Currently, can we say either of Mihawk & Shanks are top2 after Imu ?
Shanks vs Mihawk.
One piece is really political
The Best Kind of Freefall (Alderion-Al)