How do you resist the FOMO to buy and keep DCA instead?
Donating Blood Plasma Twice a Week to Fund Dividends—Am I Taking It Too Far?
What was the biggest loss you've taken during your investing journey?
Just another fake recession
What happened to E0UA?
GG for those missing the dip
Can you stomach a lost decade?
Will Bitcoin Burn Everyone This Time?
To FOMO or not to FOMO?
Ultimo Video di Marco Casario
Feeling lost, need one ETF and chill
Bottom is in. Up only from here?
Ho investito una discreta/grande somma in ETF nel 2024, ricordatemi che non ho fatto una scelta idiota pliz
Il famoso bucio de culo
Bought VOO Avg Cost $549 AMA
Sitting on cash—how to (DCA into) VWCE and actually chill?
Is there a global ETF that is dipping significantly more than others right now?
Why are people investing in the Stoxx 600?
Developed world indexes in case of continuous US devaluation
Euro vs. Dollar for Savings with daily interest– Which is Better?
Does FTSE All-World ETF count as diversified with so little in China?
Anyone else heavy in cash at this time?
How FWRA/FWIA has such high volume despite being so small?
Lump sum in February on msci world