Wer von euch verdient über 100k und was macht ihr?
Finanzen eines Auswanderers (1 Jahr in CH)
PKW-Neuzulassungen im Februar
Welche Aktien ist kürzlich stark gefallen ABER hat eigentlich eine gute Basis?
Inter's entire starting XI slept with Wanda Icardi
EAuto ohne Ladestation?
Wie viel seid ihr bereit für 100k € Jahresgehalt zu tun?
E Auto ohne Ladestation?
I miss the atlas tree and I think the idol system is a massive loss.
Why is Tesla struggling in China? Because of heavy competition. There are tons of luxury EV in the $30K-40K range. Good for the consumers and the economy.
EU to Trump on tariffs: Go ahead, make our day.
Feb. 28, 2025 - Biggest lost in 2025 for Nasdaq
[3.25-P] Blight of Contagion Bog Shaman - "infinite" EHP with massive contagion for clear
Geburten sinken: „Verunsicherung und Ego“
schönen tag 😈😈😈
What is this insect and why do i see it often in my apartment?
Autobomber guide?
waystone stash
Relocation of broken wrist bones using finger traps
Reiche Leute unterstützen! Arme Leute sind ekelig!
normal day in trade league!(btw he was doing this for around 40 sec before I start recorading)
What would this orb be called in poe?
Gefunden von meinem Schwager. Ist das aus dem 2. Weltkrieg, oder einfach Müll?
Aris in 5 years
Human Slot Machine for seniors