Rate the kit lads
Airsoft with a tank is just *chef's kiss*
Bad Guy (with kit pics)
I have to stay clean for three weeks
Need some hobby advice
G36 long boiii
Do you want the S&T AN-94 airsoft replica to be made? We want to hear your voice! [mods approved]
Finding photos of lost memories
PLEASE drop whatever advice, ideas, support… anything.
Had a bad hangover from alcohol and now want to go back to weed
I'm not winning this battle
Quitting Weed After Nearly a Decade
I’m done, and I’m never going back
Still a rough ride, but it's getting better
Letting go of weed is so hard, but it’s time.
Day 1 again!
Day 333 no weed!
Day 26 - I need encouragement or advice
So it begins!!
UA foreign legion inspired kit