AI The Somnium Fan here and I want your help
I have a challenge for y’all
What would you guys like to see in a potential third game?
Pewter is that you?
Johnny Joestar
First post here but why does Makoto from Persona 5 look oddly similar to Lady
My top 10 favorite games. What do you think?
What if Smash had a roster focused entirely on the handheld games?
What other games should I play based on my top 25?
Can we please come up with another name for this guy other than Metal Shadow?
wait, isn't he...? (oc)
This question has probably been asked but does the speed wagon foundation know about Giorno and if so what does that mean for Passioné?
What is this?
I never lost access to an account (yet) but how did you guys lose your accounts
Chidori years later By @GJH_1_
How was diavolo able to appear as his stand throughout the entire soul swap?
What got you into reading Jojo?
Some fanart!
What are peoples thoughts on TSA?
Slugger Jesus vs Thug Majima
Which game did you enjoy more?
How would you handle this (the player is better than you)