Best mp5 clone
Lee sporting lower
Would a sylan arms stock adapter mess up anything with the ss? Probably a dumb question but just wanna make sure before i buy it.
What do y'all think the longevity of AK super safeties are?
Finally joined
Anyone ordered this before?
(WTB) Lee sporting lower for a ap5p willing to spend $400. Also looking for an mlok hand guard
[WTS] sb brace for mp5k price is $100 shipped
Surefire 60 round mag alternative?
Who all has the LS5 lower from Lee Sporting with a Super Safety? I want to know how many rounds y’all can usually get out in SS before having to tear the gun down and clean it, as well as what brand the gun is and if it’s a full size or a k?
More important shit to read (it’s not shit) (also I stole this from another group very well said)
Important read!!!!!!
I hope everyone is taking a break from obsessing over FFIE for the weekend. Our cardiac health depends on it 🚀🚀
No thank you 😎. I'll hold my shares
Would it be better for me to set limit prices all at once now around $1.50 or is it better to spread them out through the day tomorrow?
Got in at $3.60. I’m down 60% but I don’t regret a thing. Anyone else buy at 3+ still holding?
we need to have a very uncomfortable discussion about tomorrow...
I lost $60k total trading…need advice
U/203PR. This dude post daily recaps. With tons of important info. He knows what he's talking about. Be looking out for his post! Search for his profile if you have to. This is something everyone needs to read. This is our "roaringkitty" to gme 3 years ago. Trust me. It's good shit IMPORTANT SHIT!
WHERE ARE ALL MY KONGS AT? (over 1000+ shares!!)
Please read saw someone post this in comments and I wanted to make an actual post about it so hopefully more people see this.
How many hold FFIE right now like and comment just hold not what you have!
Good Morning APES 🦍 Can we get a Roll Call Im still HODLING strong💪 here 💎who's with me‼️‼️‼️