No length goals, just obsessed with having long hair 💕
Bands you would love but are ruined by one member?
Does anyone have the Korg M1 bottle bell sound as an sf2 file?
What Vocalist sounds the most like this guy?
Which Family Guy cutaway gag was hilarious the first time, and hilarious upon rewatching?
video game public access show
Songs with glass breaking sound effects
Benson’s honest reaction when Mordecai and Rigby do their job and don’t summon demons.
Which character makes you like this?
Put these 3 in a room; Who’s coming out crying first?
petition to name all soad fans "serjlings"
What cartoon character does this look like?
[Family Guy]
Weird ass Christmas songs
System songs where Serj sings more seriously
You’re at a club, the DJ says you have one song to get the entire club bouncing, what metal song are you playing?
What is a show you hate yet has a huge fanbase?
What would the Family Guy series finale look like, if you made it?
You’ve heard of Explain a Film Plot Badly, how about Explain a Metal Band Badly?
shows/movies that feel forgotten?
Modern metal that doesn’t sound like an edgy teen?
Bands with no bad songs vs Bands with no good songs
I don't know why people are saying Millie's reaction means she cheated on Moxxie or that she's going to get an abortion like this is a pretty realistic reaction for someone to have when they find out they're having their first child
Do you think Bim still believes in Santa?