Corona ain’t gonna get her 200IQ
T-rex cuddles
Oh no
Trying to rob a church with a fake gun
Poison is fun.
Ok then
Blursed face swap
Cat in amazment
When the corona virus infects the world
Bust-a-nut robot cracker
Self startled
For the nightwatch
Dear followers
I mean DAMN
In A Toy Shop In Savannah
In Star Wars(1977) C-3PO says he is not very good at telling stories. In Episode VI he fully captivates an audience with his story telling.
Henrik Harlaut is from The Matrix
Raccoons > Weddings
Blursed collab
Kitty blep good morning
May you all have a day filled with bleps and mlems
Guy makes his own web shooters
Web Shooters
My trip to the Bob Bullock museum
I’m officially fucking nuts
Taal Volcano erupted just as we were about to take off, we were the last flight allowed to leave that day
A whole bus tire