And may it never be forgotten that we could name our zoo animals . . .
I decided that the Micropets needed, like, and island or a continent or something, lol. It’s not exactly perfect, but, I kind of like it . . .
Found McDonald's 1998 Kovu today at a charity shop
How often this happens to you???
A day in the life of my Skid
Muffin is beefing with the first person when you hit “share”
How did this person get their train looking like this? Is / was it through an event of some kind, or . . . ?
Favorite car hole (or garage for you Frenchmen) scenes
Does anybody else remember when they first released the Johto Pokémon?
It all began on the thirteenth hour of the thirteenth day of the thirteenth month
Who's your favorite visitors?
So I heard Pokemon Go is being acquired by a company famous for crazy monetizations
I'll Just Make Some Soothing Ocean Noises for You!
My friend describing Pokemon Rivals in one sentence
Leave the first and last sentence of your current wip/last posted fic and see if people can guess what happened in between those sentences
So, somebody has this letterbox, and it’s honestly very clever and cute . . .
I received a plaque for 10 years at my corporate job. I took it apart and put my Charizard in it instead
I decided to do puddles of coloured paint for all of the paint cans. The last picture is my inspiration, from a video game that I played when I was younger . . .
Type any lion king character with your eyes closed
Type any bojack character with your eyes closed
Is that a shark . . . ?
The last thing in your camera roll is what Muffin is flipping out over
What’s your favorite starter from each region?
it's giving titanic 😩
Name suggestions for each of the dodrio heads?
A lot of police activity at my farm