How to play 4-4-2b?
How to play 3-4-3b?
How do i beat someone whos probably parking the bus?
Se você pudesse escolher um período da história para viver, desde os primórdios da humanidade, qual seria e por quê?
Só para descontrair: Qual foi a coisa mais absurda que um(a) professor(a) disse dentro de sala de aula e você nunca esqueceu ?
Is lowering taxes meta?
Gatos devem ter acesso à rua?
In no migration controls, does ( in practice ) discrminated people migrate or they need to have some acceptance?
A decade ago I would watch youtube videos on a city called Fluxburgh because I didn't have a computer that could run the game. Today I finished detailing this small suburban city within the sprawled-out city of my dreams! Here's to another 10 years!
What was the best nation to live in during the middle ages?
What’s something super normal in your country that would be weird elsewhere?
Se a existência de Deus é considerada uma crença irracional e infundada, como você explica a universalidade e a persistência da crença em Deus ao longo da história e em diferentes culturas?
How to get past 2B?
"MysteriousLlama1" made this a year ago so... Vote for the symptoms you wanna eliminate. Top comment gets eliminated.
How to make Chinese pop migrate to mainland Japan?
Tips on how to beat my son ( On the game)
Fun achievements to try to do?
What happens with water in our bodies? Does it simply boils in the gastric acid?
Why no one work in government buildings?
Is switching gyms morally wrong?
What to do after year 2?
Is there a way to pass multiculturalism as an european country?
Why do sometimes we wake up more tired, despite having sleept more hours?
How do y'all view Brazil?