Paizo staff asks: What brought you to Pathfinder?
Not new to TTRPGs, but new here!
Had my first pf2e game and it was terrible, is it supposed to be like this?
What's so great about Rogue Dedication?
Everything I've Said So Far About the God Who Will Die
Anyone Homebrewing Settings?
Rwby ideas (if you answer with more than three words you'll be awarded with a gun kirbo png)
[Mod Approved] Outlaws of Alkenstar Foundry Modules Giveaway.
Battlezoo Ancestries Dragons is LIVE (and Ginny Di Video for the Secret Dragon)
What to put in a dragon hoard?
Upcoming GenCon Teasers
what monsters from first edition do you hope get 2e stats? also do you ever think we will have rules for playing as demigods/ mythic rules? discuss!
Avenger v2.1: Forget Champions, become your God’s Assassin
(noob)Question about wizards
Pending. Pending. Pending.
Advanced Player's Guide: Is it here yet?
Arcane Thesis' - What did you all name yours?
Genasi Subraces Revisited
A Few Potential Elf Sub-Races
Witch Class