Goth/Metalheads in Stuttgart?
Siemens will 6.000 Jobs abbauen
The white house attracts criminals 👍
President Musk posing with the rapist Conor McGregor in the White House
Connor McGregor in the White House. Which criminal is next?
How do I get paid for protesting guys? I can't afford eggs.
Department of Propaganda Everywhere
Wie Behördentermine zu Geld gemacht werden
Wann wird endlich gegen solche Mietangebote vorgegangen?
How much better can life get?
Comparing it to Kristallnacht is next level insanity
Only 27 % kids between 4th and 12th can read this post
Ich kann nicht mehr
SlavikJunge macht anscheinend Politik und ich will nicht mehr
Zara Secrets Antwort auf Just Nero
Yes Karoline thats the reason for sure
Kein Bock mehr auf Flecken auf der Glasduschwand
"Look I can print my power point"
Köln bekommt 150-Megawatt-Flusswasser-Wärmepume
Pretty sure Trump is good enough at bankrupting companies on his own
Definitely legacy medias fault and not Elon Musk behaviour
"Other companies have been fked up almost 100 years ago, so I can be fked up right now"
Grok about Elon Musks Fake News Retweet