Did Evangelion and other high quality anime (like Cowboy Bebop) ruin your view of anime?
Snow Glass Apples etc, why is no one talking about the pedo vibes??
Best *band* starting with letter E?
i am a bad person…? lol
Best *band* starting with letter C?
Is this the ugliest Variant ever?
How the Hell do you explain Evangelion to a parent?
What is this??
Glorious VistaVision, just as the Director intended
What card are you the most excited for from today's data mines?
Which Evangelion Character is Your Favorite?
What would you do with 1000 collector's reserves
Evangelion gets a reboot TV series, what are some changes you would like to see?
Should I watch this show?
Which Pennywise Do You Like Best?
Whoever you are, you hace my biggest respects
What song is this for you? (I want songs that will make me rethink my entire life please)
Drop a song that in your opinion has that moment.
What’s your favorite album of 2019?
Is this type of libido normal?
Papers about Music Criticism and/or "Good Music"
Series Drops bets
Day 5, Whats E
Sir, a second Faith has hit platforms