Girl poops gym shorts
Hospital scene👀
Can y'all give me albums/bands recommendations
favorite non-metal album/artist?
Gjort havregröt inte gott men nyttigt.
Wich HIM song is this for you?
What’s your favorite/the best metal album art?
Slippery when wet
Någon som spelar något riktigt bra spel just nu ?
Write any song from metallica in emojis and I'll try to guess which song is it
What song has you like this?
Regardless of sub genres. What are your favorite bands of all time?
Did you become a Nirvana fan before or after Kurt died?
Hard to start warm
I got my first PC now and im wondering If it is posibel to get my progres from my xbox over to steam (sorry for bad english)
Roosh B. Found discount Anomaly in a Swedish grocery store.
I’m getting naked in front of you… your honest reaction is..
What do you call a girl who gets naked for strangers?
Dinner is served!
Found anomaly
What advice would you give to people transitioning from props to jets?