My first car!!
Capri Pants > Shorts for summer…
New Members Intro
What happened to pennies and dimes?
New Update Finds, trying not to spoil
This new Joja thing
Mr. Qi murders you at the summit???
Who let the dogs out (of the closet)?
Dumb question... What do you guys think Ancient Fruit tastes like?
I don’t think that “abortion is killing an unborn child” is a strong argument.
8 arms to slap 8 jews
Left my cup at home—what to order?
My Wedding Dress
High waisted pants and shorts are inferior to normal rise ones
Clothes Shopping Before and After Discovering Kibbe (only a slight dramatization)
Ten days ago, when I first discovered consequences exist
Anyone NOT writing their vows?
I found my HG shampoo… and then found out it’s not CG? xD
No, animals are not unsustainable, and here's why.
A cool among us fanart based on the Norman Rockwell meme
Libleft gets OwO'd
Just giving a little representation to my fav ideology
Okay. Is Lila Rose currently a problem for the prolife movement?
Here’s a version of the meme I made that’s in better taste. I apologize that it came off so poorly. My idiocy is NOT representative of the prolife movement as a whole 😅
Thought of this (the video version didn’t seem to go through)