Fat around the mouth
What age did you start your period?
the amount of before and after photos I have is astounding
I cant keep my legs TOGETHER in my backhandspring
AITA for Leaving a Date After He Insisted on Splitting the Bill?
What happens when you stop taking tirzepitide?
Google is trying to censor Biden's presidency
I took back my skin (24)
I had arm surgery and have been joking with people. They are going to replace my arm. Can you please Photoshop cool/silly things replacing my arm like it got cut off??
[Acne] Help I have a pimple on my lips
You’re offered $500 million, but in exactly one year, you’ll be teleported to a random location on Earth, and you’ll have to make your way back home to claim the prize.
$100,000 for each square inch of your body you tattoo with solid black ink
Okay here's another one that seems pretty basic but I like it with the more actualized phrases.
Introduce yourselves
You have to eat from your favorite fast food place, 3 meals a day with a sedentary lifestyle for 2 months. You get $150,000 if you can lose the weight you gained in the same time frame.
Who is making 100k+ and only had a BA or no education at all.
Before you latch onto Johnathan as such a good guy...
Gym-Goer Filming Herself Gets Upset Over a Glance in Her Direction
Movies that have made you cry the hardest?
AIO: My boyfriend is a personal trainer and I feel insecure about it
What’s a stun you pulled during childhood that you have wondered how you are still alive?
Robert Kennedy junior in my gym today in west palm beach
Women, how do you feel about shaking hands with men? Like it, hate it, or indifferent?
What should I do to look more attractive?