Jester? I hardly know ‘er! Yohoho
[Drifter] The Faceless
i think i am lost.
[OC] My warlock, haven’t played him yet but I already drew him.
Warframe 800k Milestone Giveaway!
What is a real-life equivalent of 'concealing your mana'?
[Q] [PC] [Riven] as a Latron main, contemplating on whether i should sell this since the gun is pretty strong without a riven. What’s the price range for this one?
What the hell is this?
bro what
Hey, any experts that's related to Psychology? Urgently need 2 questionnaire respondents. Thank you!
What is this "golden stargazer"?
Faceless Ronin
Been wanting to play dnd for a while now, so if there are campaigns that are open and beginner friendly, please let me know!
One of the best challenges in the game. Agree?
Created my first character, yet to play my first dnd game. Any advices that can create a good experience not just for me but also the party when I finally play my first game?
Do I have to replay all the chapters to take another path?
[Online][EST][5E] Low Commitment Beginner's One-shot
[Volt] Corrupted Sentient
What's a skin you like using that you never see other players use? I'll go first:
new fromsoft game new fromsoft game new fromsoft game pls
Be shameless, ask for gifts (tennobam)
[Volt Prime] Acolyte Inspired
Finish thisssssss drawing
If Sekiro 2: Shadows die Thrice comes, what new features would you like them to add?
Whats your „Warframe for everything"?