Did I just win big?
Let's see those suggestions
Type in "I have explosive ___" and let auto complete finish it
Yall it’s been a hot minute. It’s time for round 3. Leave your favorite song from your collection down below (whether it’s your most expensive one or your favorite musically) I’ll rate it
Best emotional/meloncholic tracks?
GIVEAWAY rules down below ends in 5 days starts after 35 upvotes
artists like djrum?
Anyone wanna buy this off me?
You know what else is massive?
Drop your user and i’ll send you any of your faves if i have them for free🫶
It's time to test The Prodigy's legendary discography; what's your favourite track on Experience, the debut album from 1992?
If I updated this site with curated electronic music every day, would people read it? (Link in comments)
Hey guys my auction ends in 5 hours and has no bids if you’re looking to pick this up?
Is this a fair price?
This is the first electronic song I ever finished. My friend said it's like if BOC and Aphex Twin had a baby. I don't think it's quite up to their standards but I'd love to hear to your opinions.
how much would this be worth?
Guess my number 1-1000 to get this*
anyone know the value?
Any idea how much this would be worth?
Collapse Record Shop Ad
i did not know this could happen holy shit
So where the hell is Hyperspeed and Charley on Spotify????
i cut my shop prices in half for a short time! i will also accept favs instead of coins! User: Im.A.Little.Rat
Why is this community so toxic?