Mini is on a diet and don't like it
What's a flavour you will never get tired of?
Glitch, I'm stuck in the couch lol
A stray I've been feeding
Is it normal to hate going to sleep?
Yes she's exercising. Yes she is on a diet now.
She lays here and plays ball lol
Update on mini. She is 12lbs and need to be 9lbs. She is on a diet. SHE IS NOT HAPPY. NOT HAPPY FAT CAT.
Just gonna leave this to make ya smile
What's everyone's opinions on these so far?
Mini gets her rabies shot today. Think she is nervous?
Asking "What Year Is It" In Dreams
Dreamed I was in year 2095, but was young?
What is this? Seems like an arrowhead can be made from it.
My display
How would you describe this flavor?
I used to be a street cat. Now I'm a lazy cat.
New to this. What are these two?
told me its a “depression pit” … its not
Mini doesn't care.
Mini not caring .....
What has your experience been with EDMR?
Basic things you never learned or realized