For anyone still taking advice- parenting or otherwise - from this woman - here is how she honors & protects her son :/
How many ultrasounds is too many
For those that need to hear this: don’t let walking become a requirement
No we won’t be sharing their adoption story…. Because the way in which we acquired them was ultra sus.
Higher fasting glucose with night time snack?
I'm shocked at the lack of financial abuse going on at this current moment!
Delivery Updated… latest victim
Brand alternatives.
I worked at little sleepies: AMA
Printed, priced and dated! WTF
why does she lie???
I’m baaaaack, probably
28 weeks pregnant with my third and first GD diagnosis
How risky is sex a few days before induction?
So stupid
Got a day pass to take selfies and show off my new tattoo
I figured her out
current favorite breakfast?
Feeling guilty
How often do you allow sweets or high carb foods?
Not again
Yasso bars
LS could never