Bone Tomahawk
This woman reminds me of Serena.
My mom + me over the years
My Great-Grandmother Peg in her wedding dress. Mid-1930s.
SF Muni Is Struggling. To Help, This Driver Wants You to Ride the Bus — and Say Thanks
We've got a free car to travel the USA, we'll be there for a month are we being stupid with our plan?
How come I’ve never seen someone bring their miniature horse then?!
He's lost
What did my girlfriend’s husband do?
Isn’t this guy a rapist?
Bold of her… considering that if it wasn’t for the French America would never have been a country at all
Anyone else like ‘She Wore a Yellow Ribbon’ (1949)?
McGregor to meet Trump at White House this afternoon....😒
Trump Guts Voice Of America News Agency, Musk Says “Nobody Listens To Them Anymore.” | Created in 1942 to counter Nazi propaganda, VOA and their sister networks reach 420 million people in 63 languages and more than 100 countries each week.
Miller's Crossing (1990) - thought it was going to suck hard, but I was blown away
Hey, can anyone help me understand all the medals and awards from William Guarnere from band of brothers please.
Godfather 2 Catch
Trump's friend and traitor to his country Mike Flynn is now urging Trump to enact martial law - these people are now a 100% enemy of the United States and its people
That's one way to do it.
My grandparents were reunited today
Was there anyone else playing in this tournament?
Brutal knockout took place in front of SF City Hall today amongst our youth
You guys were right about The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance